Tagged Stocks Symbols tagged by [Price]

Displaying symbols tagged with Price: $10 to $25

Found results 50

Symbol Price Change % Market Cap Volume
FOE $22.01 0.27% - 1,571,307
DISCK $24.42 5.81% - 9,803,699
ARKG $23.68 3.18% - 7,037,400
AIB $11.73 38.00% $42.37M 2,109
AACT $10.95 0.00% $680.00M 230,378
AAL $16.88 1.44% $9.46B 28,634,300
AAN $10.09 1.00% $318.35M 2,775,856
ABNY $15.09 2.03% - 11,000
ABR $13.76 0.36% $2.75B 4,486,883
ACAC $10.90 -2.68% $44.48M 12,040
ACAD $16.87 0.84% $2.79B 4,938,227
ACBA $12.03 -1.64% $41.28M 80,032
ACEL $10.55 -1.68% $951.07M 430,740
ACI $19.52 0.57% $10.94B 9,898,704
ACIC $13.13 0.92% $621.84M 279,180
ACMR $14.91 -1.97% $1.15B 1,199,920
ACNT $11.33 3.00% $100.43M 60,786
ACR $15.96 4.25% $129.52M 19,603
ACVA $21.89 4.54% $3.47B 4,195,956
ADEA $13.66 -0.51% $1.27B 2,205,943
ADMA $17.40 -2.79% $4.50B 6,941,535
ADNT $16.85 -2.38% $1.69B 2,841,951
ADRT $11.40 0.00% $33.54M 3,147
ADSE $13.98 0.29% $695.19M 108,234
AEAE $11.08 0.00% $72.41M 200
AEFC $20.69 0.44% - 49,100
AEHR $14.25 6.98% $319.42M 1,161,353
AEO $16.69 2.02% $3.54B 9,974,867
AES $13.00 4.50% $9.93B 25,092,100
AESI $21.44 0.52% $3.04B 2,035,436
AEYE $17.45 4.74% $310.66M 445,814
AFAR $11.68 0.00% $67.53M -
AFBI $22.49 2.74% $137.80M 70,840
AFGB $22.94 0.53% - 14,300
AFGC $20.51 0.44% $22.20M 10,700
AFGD $22.77 0.44% - 5,000
AFGE $18.66 0.54% $9.87B 3,900
AFJK $10.52 -0.80% $95.43M 2,400
AFRI $10.46 3.98% $273.09M 96,263
AFYA $15.50 1.71% $1.45B 118,410
AGI $18.33 1.21% $7.38B 4,639,600
AGS $11.49 0.00% $475.98M 385,829
AHH $10.25 -0.19% $1.11B 6,035,553
AIZN $20.99 0.29% $9.38B 9,200
AKA $21.49 5.09% $182.48M 15,031
AKR $23.89 -0.33% $3.17B 10,368,232
ALEX $17.47 -0.37% $1.40B 2,027,174
AM $15.01 3.30% $7.34B 9,288,207
AMBC $12.17 -0.08% $585.45M 2,489,976
AMN $22.94 -0.04% $902.35M 2,341,351

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